
Clifford Carnicom

"The assumption is that chemtrails do exist"

Above quote from Clifford E Carnicom Nov 4 2000

Submitted for your discrimination a familiar pattern emerges, assumption, I have been sitting on this for sometime, and held it this long as to not look spiteful, I wish I saved what Clifford wrote at his board when I was banned, something like "Mr. seeker your dis-information, mis-information, and incorrect information have ended at this board"...well the below e-mail is not mis-dis or incorrect information, it is true and factual....Mr. Carnicom automatically assummed that I was a doctor in the e-mail below. Whose to say how many or how much of Mr. Carnicom's 'evidence' and 'research' has played out in this same manner. Let me preface this by saying the info I was talking about below, in essence was true (as I did not attempt to mislead,in any form) I was neck deep in chemtrail belief, and so assumption played an enormous part in theory and in practice by myself at the time...As I explained in the "water quality 99" section , that we had a coliform bacteria problem here that even the doctors didn't know about for a while...the sickness was real....and the "oath" is true, my wife is in the medical profession and can't tell me the names of the folks she practices on....Mr.Carnicom automatically assumed that I was a doctor, and was ready to add my name to the list of evidence that chemtrails were real....spelling errors and all....caveat emptor, and of course by all means ~you decide~.

What some are recently discussing about Clifford Carnicom .

Carnicom Board





Content of this mail was not changed other than a phone number,and address all spelling errors and the like are of "original content" and are not subject to adjustment.



Subject:Photos and information

Date:Wednesday July,28 1999 02:10:24

I must tell you the medical oath of doctor patient confidence restricts me from any further documentation other than my word. I can tell you that people that work outside seem to suffer more than indoor workers. It seems to start will diarrhea , stomach cramps, muscle aches (neck mostly, back some) tired feeling. The bulk of the populous seems to tolerate these as a virus. Allergy meds are really popular. I have many videos tapes of the chemtrail phenomena, I am new to computers and do not own a digital camera, however I am borrowing one soon and will send pics. I too am interested in the truth and would like to know one way or another what's going on !!!

The Seeker

From: Clifford Carnicom


Subject:Re: Photos and information

Date: Wednesday, July 28,1999 2:24 PM

Dr. ********,

I appreciate this information and will look forward to any photographs that you have an interest in sending. Actually any normal camera photographs are equal canidates, as it would not be difficult for me to scan them.

I would have an interest in presenting your comments (or an excerpt relating to the first half) on the website if you give permission to do so. If you do give permission, would you prefer that they remain anonymous? I would be respectful of any concerns or requests that you may have, but it would be helpful to corroborate observations with professional assessments from the medical community.

Also, can this information be forwarded to skywatchers (local activist group on this issue)? The same questions regarding anonymity remain.

Feel free to let me know of your wishes.


Clifford E Carnicom

** ******** Rd #**

Santa Fe NM *****


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