Dark: (devolution)

I would submit that all satanic (dark) practices are so far embedded in the minds of 'average' people that there is no turning back....

A book copyrighted and published in 1969 "Satanic Bible", basically set the pattern for todays dark behavior, there are 7 keys to darkness and it's operation...all of which are in place in media, and leadership on the national and world level...

Government has in the last 70 years taken on and taken out religion, most evident in removing it from school and the leaders of this country and the world in trying to replace the religious part of the human psyche.


It is also most evident when the only group of organized people on the planet that is openly discriminated against is Christians. This exists in plain site and view of all....Merry Christmas has already replaced by Happy Holidays....other religious practices have been incorporated into the Christian celebration of Christ in a way to accommodate or water down the Christian holiday.

I submit that the "mainstream" people are doing satans work (dark) in the name of everyday practice or normal behavior, all barriers to dark have been brought down in the name of "tolerance".....that's what lawyers try to do is bend the 'law' to fit their perspective, light and dark, good and evil cannot be altered without consequence....that perspective of bending belief is not a religionist, or a 'white light religion' practice , moreover it is the path of the dark....

This book represents much of today's accepted philosophy :

This quote from the book:

"Say unto thine own heart, "I am mine own redeemer."

"The Satanist, being the magician, should have the ability to decide what is just, and then apply the powers of magic to attain his goals."

Those two quote's say it all, "me" and be your own judge = "lawless"....judge, jury, and excecutioner.....

Welcome to the jungle....


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